Friday, October 7, 2011


I wanted to update you on how Noah is doing in soccer. As you all know the first practice was TERRIBLE! We then had another practice a few days later and it was significantly better. I believe the key for him is getting him there earlier so the anxiety isn't as high. He hung in there and participated for at least half the time before he wanted to go home. Then dad showed up and he did great. Nick handles him a lot better than I do. I believe we are too much alike and so I have a hard time dealing with it. Nick on the other hand deals with that type of personality all the time :) so he does better.

Saturday rolled around and it was his first game and probably the only game Nick was able to make, but guess who didn't make it...ME! I got so sick Friday night and stayed sick all the way through Sunday. I was so so sad. I tried to force Nick into letting me go, but he wasn't having it. Luckily my mom was there to cheer him on too. Back to how the game went. He did GREAT! I am so proud of him. He got out there and enjoyed himself. The other team had quite the player but Nick said he hung with him a couple of times and tried to get the ball. I have to admit I'm a super proud mom! I can't wait to see him play tomorrow. Dad won't be there though so we will see how he does for me.

Oh and yes he is #11! Best number out there!

Throwing the ball in.

My soccer man. He seems to always be the one out of bounds. :)

Taking on another player.

Team huddle. Good job Crocs!!

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