Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Busy Busy

It has been so hectic around here lately that I haven't had time to blog. But since I was so busy I have stuff to show and tell. :) My sister is having a new baby girl soon and Saturday was her baby shower so I spent last week crafting and sewing away. Here is what I made.

Wipes case

I should have taken a picture of the back and I will when I make another one. It has a place for diapers! My sister has been doing these for a while and I'm not as good as her but it turned out okay.

Nursing cover

I have made lots of these and they are super easy to do. Having more than one is very nice. For a tutorial visit


This was my first time to make a piece of clothing that someone would actually wear. It didn't turn out too bad but I have a lot of practicing to do, especially when it comes to cutting out the pattern. I'm not good at it. If you have any pointers please share! For a tutorial visit

Car seat canopy

Britni got a gender neutral car seat so she wanted something a little more girlie to go with it. This is what I came up with and I absolutely loved it! It was my first time to work with this kind of trim and I thought it could potentially be a disaster but it wasn't too bad. For a tutorial visit

Ribbon shoes

So, I saw some of these while I was at the Trade Days in Canton, TX and had to try some for myself. There are a few flaws in my idea so I want to make a few adjustment. They are SO cute though!

There are several more things I did last week but these are the crafty things. I will post the others later so as not to overwhelm you.


Jayce said...

I LOVE those ribbon shoes! I had never heard of them before..probably because I don't have any little girls around ;). How you got all that done and watched our boys so much is beyond me! :)

Danielle said...

that was NOT Jayce, haha. I was signed into his account and did not know it. I'll go ahead and take credit for that very feminine comment!!